Left Field Media: Custom Real Estate And Mortgage Newsletters












Custom newsletters produced for the mortgage and real estate professional.


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You have a choice of THREE of the following articles. You will need to choose TWO regular articles and ONE "Question of the Month" article.


1. Signs That Your Dream Home Isn't Right for You. "The one thing that you can't change about a home is its location. Whether it’s the type of lot or property—think hilly or below ground—or the neighborhood or the larger area, it needs to be the right location for you. Also, think about the proximity to services, schools, amenities, and where you work..."

2. How to Show and Sell an Empty House. "Having the interior painted and the carpets professionally cleaned may be a good idea. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on such upkeep, but remember that your bare walls and floors—as well as your yard—will be in the spotlight when potential buyers come to view your home..."

3. Less Common—But Still EffectiveWays to Improve Your Credit. "It may be wise to keep your balance low by making extra payments on your credit cards during regular billing cycles, not just when a payment is due. You also might consider making large purchases only in months in which your credit card usage is lower..."

4. Taking Steps to Avoid Foreclosure. "Don’t bury your head in the sand. Many homeowners who miss mortgage payments often ignore the phone calls, texts and emails. Don’t do this. Foreclosure proceedings can happen within 30-60 days so ignoring the problem will only make it worse..."


1. Question of the Month: Can I Use My Tax Refund for My Upcoming Down Payment? "I'd like to put my tax refund towards my down payment, but I know that the funds for my down payment need to be in my account well before the loan closes. Will this be a problem?..."

2. Question of the Month: What's the Difference Between an Appraisal and an Assessment? "I'm buying a new home and I need to have a home appraisal completed. Is a home appraisal the same as the annual assessment that's done to determine real estate taxes?..."

The regular articles are 425-470 words long and the "Question of the Month" articles are 225-250 words long. All content is written by us and are original articles.

The rate for the usage of our articles—sold as a 3-pack—is $29.99. The cost is per individual user (the articles cannot be shared between multiple agents, brokers, etc.). The content cannot be re-used or transferred to another party for their use.


2 Regular Articles and 1 "Question of the Month" Article

$29.99 per user

Since the usage of the articles is strictly regulated and copyrighted, only we can make edits or changes to the articles. However, we are more than happy to make whatever changes you'd like upon request.

The articles can be used for all of your marketing needs including print, online, social media, etc., but we do ask that you attribute the articles to us, with "© Left Field Media" being placed at the bottom of each article (small font is acceptable).

We take great pride in our customer service. We respond quickly and efficiently to all queries and we will go out of our way to make sure you are happy with your content!



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OPTION 1: Purchase your content now using a credit card and our secure server.

OPTION 2: Place your content order now, but request to be billed for your order (you will be billed once your content has been sent to you and you can then make your payment using a credit card, personal check or money order).



OPTION 1 - Credit Card:

Please click the "Add to Cart" button to make your purchase. You will then be redirected to a page where you can choose your articles and then make your payment.





3 Articles


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If you prefer to pay by check, please click the "Bill Me Later" button to make your purchase. You will then be redirected to a page where you can choose your articles and then provide your billing information.





3 Articles




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